the here & now.


If this year has taught us anything, it’s that there really is nothing we can count on except the here and now. Predictability and stability have become a lost treasure, which we may have often taken for granted or seen as mundane. Now, we crave even a little bit of it, to return to an assemblage of normalcy. As someone who has spent most of her life chasing the next dream, accomplishing the next goal, thinking about what’s next to be done and moving through a continual checklist of daily life, I get that it takes a minute to find the pause button and check yourself. It is a rewiring of sorts and takes awareness and mindfulness. And not just once -repeatedly, habitually, until we change our norm. It’s still is an ongoing practice for me and I gather that it will always be.

What we have to keep reminding ourselves of is what a gift the here and now is. I mean you are literally here, now. So what does that mean to you? What does that look like to you? What will you do with that? For me, it’s being more present in the small moments. Big moments are easier to be present for, but the small ones can pass you by. And usually, they’re the most important and the ones you’ll always remember. Like when my daughter had an ass explosion so epic we ran through the hallway holding her, laughing hysterically and had to put her in the tub to scrub her down. Or when my son and I laid back on the grass last summer and watched the clouds moving and changing shapes. Or when my husband dances like Maui to, “Your Welcome” for the kids as we watch Moana for 6,7980,246th time. These are joyful moments. Simple, but large. I sometimes miss them when I’m preoccupied or distracted or busy doing, “stuff” that can wait and it’s a shame, so I make an effort not to. I don’t always, but I’m getting better.

Being present means allowing yourself to sit in the not so great moments too. I mean, not every moment is going to be amazing. It would be lovely but they are fleeting. Besides, how else would we differentiate happiness if there was no sadness, right? These waves come and go. So does time. The only constant we have is that everything will pass. Every emotion, thought, situation, experience, challenge and euphoric moment will pass. The trick is to embrace it in the present and then release it. Aparigraha. The next moment will be here soon enough. And that moment will be unique unto itself.

So, think about it. Can you put the phone down more? Can you smile more? Can you leave the dishes in the sink more to read that extra story at bedtime? Can you breathe more? Can you take it all in more? Can you enjoy more? Can you relish more? Can you savor that delicious bite of food more? Can you reread that favorite line of poetry more? Can you walk a little slower to look around more? Can you listen more? Can you pick up that sea shell and breathe in the ocean air more? Can you disconnect more? Can you laugh more? Can you be still more? Can you accept the place you are at right now with peace and be excited about what the universe has in store more? Can you allow your life to be exactly what it is and embrace every single second more? Food for thought…….

Homework assignment- Sit in a comfortable seat. Close your eyes. Take a big inhale and exhale. Repeat to yourself three times– “Be. Here. Now.” Repeat tomorrow. ;)

 much love + light.

xo, jess



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